


Mr. 马里奥剪切,临时董事

  • 教师关心的不是考试
  • 医疗取款
  • 除感官受损学生外,其他学生的住宿问题
  • 特殊的停车
  • CEADR咨询委员会
  • ADA合规和政策问题
  • 学生行为问题
  • 校园无障碍问题
  • 不满
  • 做笔记的请求 & 支持

Mr. Eric光,适应测试和支持协调员

  • 符合ADA的测试设施
  • CEADR教员门户支持

Mr. 迈克尔埃弗斯,感觉障碍技术协调员

  • 视力和听力受损的学生关注
  • 整合技术与通用设计


  • 缺席验证
  • 供应商
  • CEADR站长 
Academic departments and individual faculty members are responsible for ensuring that their programs and course content are accessible to qualified students with disabilities. This responsibility includes physical access as well as necessary modifications in 信息的形式或传递.
教师 has the right and the responsibility to secure a learning 环境 that 惠及所有学生. 一个有影响行为的残疾的学生有这个权利 to reasonable accommodations to 支持 his or her responsibility to behave in an 在课堂上举止得体. 如果学生的行为不恰当, 教师应联系学生处主任寻求帮助.
No. Requiring that a student disclose his or her disability to the instructor puts 学院面临法律风险. 尽管大多数教师都愿意听取学生的意见 who choose to disclose their disabilities-whether such information is solicited or not-it is important that all instructors communicate respect for a student's privacy 十大彩票网投平台他或她残疾的具体性质. 在这种情况下,评论如下 “你怎么了??或者“我觉得你看起来很正常。.显然是不合适的 and put the college at risk as they can be interpreted as discriminatory.
不建议直接询问可能的残疾. 美国人 Disabilities Act states that a public entity may not make unnecessary inquires into 残疾:残疾的存在. 这些询问通常与招聘或预录取有关 screening, but when talking with students, such inquiries should also be avoided. A direct inquiry such as this could be considered intrusive or insensitive. 治疗 一个受关注的学生,就像其他学生一样. 建议与…开会 student where concerns about the quality of his or her academic work can be privately 讨论了. In that conference it would be appropriate to encourage the student to seek any appropriate campus resources, such as, Counseling and Testing, Student Health Center, Center for Academic Excellence, and 教育无障碍中心 and 残疾的资源.
Making an announcement at the start of class and/or printing a statement in the syllabus referring students with disabilities to 残疾 服务, is the best way to make 这样的转诊. 教师也可以鼓励学生单独与 讨论他们的学术需求.
是的. 如何ever, you can require that all tapes/files be returned to you at the end of 这个学期,或者他们被摧毁.
The Testing Center has developed a systematic and secure procedure for getting exams from the instructor and returning the exam back to the instructor once the student 参加了考试. 所有的测试都保存在一个密封的安全袋里. 学生必须参加 在进入测试室之前,将所有材料放入储物柜. 学生们 他们让我在测试前先去洗手间. 学生考试时,他们会受到监控. Any inappropriate behaviors or misuse of exam materials are reported back to the instructor. 作弊是不能容忍的.
是的, but the instructor must 提供 the same accommodations the Testing Center would 提供. If the student is to get time and a half, then the instructor must allow 一个半小时. 如果学生要在减少分心的环境中进行测试, then the instructor must have the student test in a room where there are minimal distractions. Testing the student with the rest of the class is not providing a minimal distraction 环境. The instructor who fails to 提供 the specific accommodation is out of compliance. The student would have the right to file a grievance against the instructor.
住宿不具有追溯力. 如果一个学生开始上课并参加考试 prior to providing the instructor the Letter of Accommodation, the instructor does not have to go back and let the student re-test using approved accommodations. 
让学生浏览我们的网站. 有申请服务的信息 以及我们手册中的文件要求. 
学生 with approved academic accommodations receive their accommodation 信s 通过电子邮件. The student is responsible for either hand delivering the 信s or emailing 他们写给导师的信的复印件.
如果学生在我们办公室注册,我们可以监考. 任何考试监考 考试将在我们的考试中心进行. 当学生提出请求时 to utilize the testing center for a course assessment instructors are informed typically 在预定时间的24小时内. 
No. You are not obligated to accommodate a student until you have received the accommodation 信.

你可以找到 Canvas社区指南:适度测验 或者拨打创新学习中心电话(251)461-1888.

资源可在CEADR教员门户网站获得. 你也可以十大彩票网投平台的 办公室有任何问题或疑虑. 


教育无障碍中心 & 十大彩票网投平台残疾人资源中心 Alabama is committed to assisting faculty in any way possible to better facilitate 为所有学生营造积极的学习环境.