
  • Kenneth and Diamond Johnson got married in the chapel at 美国健康 University Hospital during his recovery after being hit by a pickup truck. 大学警官肯尼斯·约翰逊(肯尼斯•约翰逊)已重返工作岗位. 这对夫妇有一个3个月大的女儿,名叫Karis.
    肯尼斯•约翰逊, 三月份被卡车撞死的人, will celebrate Christmas at 南 after recovering from his injuries and returning to work as a University police sergeant. ...
  • Dr. 迈克尔•钱伯斯, 美国研究副总裁, 被提名为阿拉巴马州创新委员会董事会成员. The Commission was created in 2020 to develop forward-thinking policy recommendations and ideas to create a more robust, 支持创业的包容性经济, 创新与科技.
    The Commission's goal is to develop forward-thinking policy recommendations and ideas to create a more robust, 包容性的经济. ...
  • 南街标志
    十大彩票网投平台的大部分院系将关闭到1月6日. 3, 2022. 1月复课. 10, 2022. ...
  • 十大彩票网投平台毕业典礼
    政府. Kay Ivey and 美国健康 CEO Owen Bailey congratulate 南's newest graduates and urge them to use their talents to serve others. ...
  • Dr. Christine Ruey Shan Lee traces a figure-eight knot with light outside the Mathematical Sciences and Physics Building at the 十大彩票网投平台. 她在量子拓扑学方面的研究获得了美国国家科学基金会的资助.
    Dr. Christine Ruey Shan Lee is using a grant from the National Science Foundation to continue her research in knot theory. 她还与“编程女孩”组织的中学生一起工作. ...
  • Dr. 杰森•斯特里克兰, 十大彩票网投平台生物学助理教授, and senior India Hughes helped identify two new snake species — the Tricolor Snailsucker and the Poppyfield Snailsucker — by sequencing snake DNA.
    一位南方研究员和他的本科研究助理, 以及墨西哥的一组研究人员, 鉴定两种独特的吸蜗牛物种. ...
  • 亚里士多德雕像.
    哈佛大学出版社和高级研究所的奖学金帮助他完成了学业. 塞缪尔·贝克在休假期间写了一本十大彩票网投平台亚里士多德伦理学真理的书. ...
  • 自1998年以来,该大学和美国卫生组织已经筹集了超过5美元.阿拉巴马州西南联合劝募会通过其年度活动筹集了700万美元.
    多于1,700名雇员和退休人员捐款205美元,676美元用于支持2021年阿拉巴马州西南联合劝募会的年度活动. ...
  • 在马克思图书馆的2楼,一位导师正和另一位美国学生一起工作. 5年期债券,2美元.25 million grant will help 学生学业成就 institute a new program dedicated to the "Second Year Experience.“我们的目标是提高第二年到第三年的保留率.
    The five-year program will focus on the second year experience to help increase retention rates from year two to year three. ...
  • Dr. 肖恩权力, 海洋与环境科学学院教授兼院长, 漫步在学校翻修后的大厅里,000平方英尺的设施. “我们拥有国际声誉. 我们想把新学生带到南方。.
    New academic and research programs are expected to follow as 南 increases opportunities for students and faculty. ...
  • College of Education and Professional Studies students will now have help with the Praxis teacher preparation test thanks to a recent donation from PowerSchool.
    这家基于云的K-12教育软件公司的收入为80美元,捐款一万块,帮助学生参加教师培训项目. ...
  • 凯西弗格森, 南阿拉巴马州女子篮球队的前锋, has been able to benefit monetarily from her popular social media posts following a rule that allows student-athletes to profit off their name, 形象或相似.
    A Tik Tok video of 凯西弗格森 boiling crawfish helped make her one of the most popular college sports social media personalities in the country. 她的热门视频为她赢得了广告合同,篮球项目也获得了额外的关注. ...
  • AT&阿拉巴马大学捐赠了4万美元用于支持美国K-12 STEM实践学习实验室活动. 前排左起-莉兹贝丝·斯坦顿,墨西哥湾沿岸地区的纤维执行官&T; Chris Pennington, southeast regional sales manager, AT&T; Dr. Harold Pardue, interim dean, School of Computing; C. 韦恩·哈钦斯,州主席&T Alabama; Nikki Donald, CFITS外联协调员, School of Computing; Keith Lynn, 系统管理员, School of Computing; back row - Matt Coker, 客户解决方案执行二级, 阿拉巴马州, AT&T; Glyn Agnew, regional director AT&阿拉巴马州立法机构 & 对外事务.
图片来源:Mike Kittrell
    The School of Computing's K-12 STEM Outreach Program strives to motivate and encourage students to pursue STEM related careers. ...
  • Dr. 米切尔商学院(Mitchell College of Business)临时院长阿尔文•威廉姆斯(Alvin williams)站在学院门前.
    Dr. Alvin 威廉姆斯 describes stress on the global supply chain that is causing shortages and delays during the holiday shopping season. ...
  • Scotty E. 柯克兰, 十大彩票网投平台的校友, 是展览协调员吗, 出版物, 以及阿拉巴马州档案和历史部门的项目. 他将于2021年12月2日在马克思图书馆发表十大彩票网投平台阿拉巴马州民权历史的演讲.
    USA and Mobile Museum of Art welcomes Alabama historian Scotty 柯克兰 for a lecture on state and local Civil Rights history. ...
  • 南 is the only university in Alabama that offers a four-year Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in studio glass. 玻璃工作室是最先进的玻璃吹制,铸造和窑成型玻璃设施.
    手工玻璃饰品, 珠宝, 由美国学生和教师创作的印刷品和更多作品将于12月3日开始销售. ...
  • Dr. Brandi Kiel Reese has been named an early-career fellow by the Gulf 研究 Program of the National Academies of Sciences, 工程与医学. 该奖学金需支付76美元,000 award that Kiel Reese plans to use to support graduate students and provide paid internships for undergraduates.
    Dr. Brandi Kiel Reese becomes the second 南 faculty member honored by the Gulf 研究 Program in as many years. ...
  • 巴顿中学校长阿曼达·琼斯说, 十大彩票网投平台的毕业生, 站在新磁铁学校的前面.
    南 graduates, including Principal Amanda Jones, are remaking history this fall at Barton Academy. 阿拉巴马州的第一所公立学校重新开放,成为一所专注于世界研究的磁石学校. ...
  • "The illustration depicts the outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) produced by pathogenic bacteria ("yellow balls”) coming into contact with the plant cell. 在他的研究中. 老爷米. Tran found that OMV insertion into the plant plasma membrane is dependent on membrane nanodomains (regions highly enriched of sterol and phospholipids). This OMV insertion could alter the dynamics of the plasma membrane and also prime plants for better immune defense responses upon infection by pathogens."
    韩国博士. 老爷米inh Tran是发表在著名科学杂志上的一篇文章的主要作者, 植物细胞. ...
  • Dr. S. ILC执行主任拉杰·乔杜里(左一)与副教授. Lisa LaCross,学院发展助理主任,和Dr. 大卫年代. 威廉姆斯, 美国大学课程发展副主任, 是享有盛誉的罗伯特. 专业和组织发展网络颁发的蒙格斯奖.
    ILC receives award for Outstanding 研究 in Educational Development from the Professional and Organizational Development Network. ...
  • 阿布里蒂·阿卜杜拉(Abritty Abdullah)被评为Phi Kappa Phi爱学习奖得主. The Honor Society is the nation’s oldest and most selective for all academic disciplines and the Love of Learning Award is one of the most prestigious awards for post-baccalaureate study given by the society.
    Phi Kappa Phi奖给Abritty Abdullah, 教育与专业研究学院的博士生, 爱学习奖. ...
  • 前国会议员乔·邦纳是阿拉巴马州州长的幕僚长. 凯·艾维被选为十大彩票网投平台第四任校长. 他将在定于12月9日举行的董事会下次例会上被正式介绍. 2.
    阿拉巴马州州长办公室主任乔·邦纳说. 凯·艾维(Kay Ivey)和一名前国会议员将成为该校第四位校长. ...
  • Charbel Mawad在米切尔商学院主修会计学.
    Charbel Mawad, 他是莫比尔人,也是米切尔学者, begins his business education at 南 with plans for growth and a spot on the First Year Council. # FreshmanFocus ...
  • 通过捐助者和机构的联合支持, 南方关怀紧急基金为学生提供了超过298美元的意外需求,自2020年1月推出以来,该公司已获得了1000万美元的资金.
    Funds will be distributed to students in financial need to help cover unexpected costs and allow them to remain enrolled at USA. ...
  • The 十大彩票网投平台 文学院 and Sciences hosted it’s 40th Annual Dean’s Lecture and 教师 Awards Ceremony November 3, 2021. 七位教员因他们的成就而受到表彰. 左上起顺时针:Dr. Sinead Ni` Chadhain; Thu Olsen; Dr. Philip Carr; Dr. Susan McCready; Dr. Kelly Urban; Dr. Jeremiah Henning; and Dr. 布莱恩增白剂.
    Seven faculty members recognized for their achievements at the 40th Annual Dean's Lecture and 教师 Awards Ceremony. ...

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